A list of all the projects I have worked on, excluding projects completed for school assignments.
- Alchemy : A Nintendo Game Boy Emulator written from scratch in Go. Play Nintendo games from your childhood right from your computer. Here's a demo of me playing Tetris using Alchemy. Here's another of me playing Dr. Mario.
- Daisy : A Static Site Generator written in OCaml. Built with a custom markdown parser and templating engine. This website is actually generated using Daisy.
- Slash : A compiler for my own ML style programming language written in Haskell. Currently in active development.
- unwrapped.live : View your Spotify Wrapped. You don't have to wait till the end of the year.
- Page : A complete Lisp interpreter written in Go.
- Page 2.0 : Another Lisp interpreter written in OCaml.
- Chrome Variable : A chrome extension that allows you to define variables for text in chrome and reuse them anywhere at any time. Helps make the job application process a lot simpler as you no longer have to open external files to copy answers you've used before.
- Easy Financial Statements : A web application that allows investors to compare the financial status of companies in order to determine the better investment.
- PoliTrader : A stock market simulator in which instead of trading shares in companies, you trade shares in politicans. The 'market price' of the politician is based on the public's sentiment of them on Twitter.
- Pillar : A software system built to improve healthcare in developing countries. Using Pillar, patients can describe their symptoms over a phone call. The phone call is automatically transcribed, analyzed and summarized for healthcare professionals. Doctors can then prescribe medications from their dashboard.
- Claire : A web application that allows users to track their mental health through journal entries. Entries are automatically analyzed and users are presented with visualizations about the state of their mental health.
- The Nasdaq 12 : A python application that allows users to analyze stocks based on the Nasdaq Dozen indicators .
- Personal Blog : I write about various technical topics such as programming languages and distributed computing.